Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 2 Web Research: Html and Xhtml tutorials

There are many HTML and XHTML tutorials on the Web. Use your favorite search engine to discover them. Choose two that are helpful.

a. What is the URL of the Web Site?
b. Is the tutorial geared toward the beginner, level, intermediate level, or both levels?
c. would you recommend this site to others? Why or why not?
d. List one or two concepts you learned from this tutorial.

W3 Schools
b. Definitely both! They have a lot of good information from HTML, to XHTML, to CSS (and more)
This includes basic, as well as more advanced tutorials.
c. Yes. I really liked how much information they have, and the very visual and involved method they use to teach the material!
d. I didn't really look through one tutorial specifically, but just looked around. However, I think this is the first site I will go to if I have a question as we go along, or want more information on a certain subject.
b. Also both. This site has some detailed video training that would be helpful to both.
c. I would, but not on all conditions. They have a couple of free video lessons, but most of their videos require a payed membership. The site, and the training they offer seems great. However, it would depend on how serious someone is, whether I would recommend that they sign up, or go somewhere like W3 to get free lessons.
d. One of the free tutorials I watched discussed text editors vs. word processors and also syntax highlighting. 

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