Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chapter 4: Focus on Web Design

Visit a Web site that interests you. Write a one page summary and reaction the the Web site you chose to visit. Address the following topics:
a. Purpose     b. Intended Audience    c. Does the Site reach its audience?     d. Helpful to you?     e. Colors used?     f. How did the use of colors enhance the site?

   The site I chose to write my summary on is While I was trying to come up with a site that interests me, I was having trouble coming up with ideas. The sites that were coming to mind didn’t seem to be the kind of interesting site that I expected to be typical for a summary like this. Then I realized the humor in my thought process. This is supposed to be something personal. And while I wasn’t thinking an online store was probably the typical choice, I think that’s all the more reason to pick one! There is a lot of thought process, and reasoning that goes into the design of these sites! Much of that is why we buy from them, instead of a similar seller.
   “ is one of the largest retailers of professional juggling supplies and circus arts equipment in the World.” They offer a wide variety of products that cover the range of skill and style. This it not just your 3 ball juggling either! This site includes anything and everything that is considered juggling from balls and clubs to footbags, poi, and yo-yos!
   The site’s intended audience is jugglers, young and old, beginner or performer! They have great products no matter your skill set or price range!
   I, as a juggler, have clearly been “reached.” They rightly make juggling look cool, hip, and fun! They have great selection, as well as great descriptions that can help you make the right choice based on your wants/needs!
   As I said above, this site has been very helpful to me! I have “bought” from them on multiple occasions! Also, if I need any more products, or simply information on a specific style of ball or beanbag, jugglingstore will be the first place I will go!
   They have a nice red, black, and white color scheme! Aside from this color combination being one of my favorites, I think it works really well for the site! Also, the wide variety of product colors really give a cool color pop to the site! All the colors work together to give it a bright, fun, cool, and non-clownly feel! They look sharp and interesting, but in no way distracting to the focus of the site: the objects awaiting the hands of a manipulator! 

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