Monday, May 16, 2011

Chapter 10 Web Research: Web Site Hosting

This chapter discussed options for hosting Web sites. In this research exercise you will search for Web host providers and report on three that meet the following criteria:
  -Support PHP and MySQL
  -Offer e-commerce capabilities
  -Provide at least 50MB hard disk space

   The first site I researches was Intuit Small Business.
   This is a great site with a lot of possibilities! They offer 3 different plans including a personal website plan for $5/month, a business plan for $20/month, and a professional plan for $50/month. While the personal plan only provides 25MB of hard disk space, the other plans include 5 and 10GBs respectively. E-commerce is available for all plans through Paypal and credit cards for no extra charge. Also, the one-time set up fee has been waived, so the monthly price is all you pay! Statistics, support, and a 30 day money back guarantee make this site a sweet deal! You can also try your first month free for either the personal or business plan! To top it all off, the site is very user friendly, and provides hundreds of customizable drag and drop layouts, and thousands of royalty images! You need no HTML knowledge or experience to get started. However, if you do, you can put it to use, and make yourself known!
( I could not find anything that said that they do or don't support PHP and MySQL)

   Register Domain Names is another great hosting site for those who want are looking for reasonable prices and effective services! It is a little more expensive (starting at $12.95/month for a "Do-it-myself" package) but includes a little bit more than Intuit's basic plan. (A great option for those who want the middle ground) This site also includes great support, hundreds of helpful customizable designs, and 5GB of space. There is also a plan that includes more space, and e-commerce capabilities for around $20/month. also provides quite a bit more reasonably priced deals on professionally designed websites made by experts so that you don't have to. (Once again, I can't find anything about PHP or MySQL)

Last but definitely not least is Host Monster. The first thing I noticed when arriving at Host Monster's home page: a very low price ($4 sale!), and several claims of unlimited and free resources! I then went to the Hosting Features page to be wowed by a long and impressive list of features including unlimited domains, unlimited space, e-commerce features, good support, multimedia, MySQL databases (finally!), CGI features, and much more! If this site is all that they say they are, this looks like the way to go. This site boasts that it is trusted by over 1.7 million sites! The one thing I didn't like is that you have to enter or search for a domain name to see plan options.
    I am impressed though, and think that if I was to choose from the little research I did, *Host Monster* would definitely get my money! They are well priced, secure, supported, and have great features for all possible future needs!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 7: Testing and Validating using Dr. Watson

Validation report for my site: Web Development: Ryan Romero using Dr. Watson

Server response

    Response code from OK (code 200)
Analyzing HTML ...
Computing download speeds ...
Estimated download speed
    These download times are estimates and should only be used as a general guideline. Many factors, such as your modem, quality of connection, ISP load, server responsiveness, and Internet routing can greatly impact the actual download times experienced by your visitors.
    Object typeNumberSize in bytes
    Estimated download times (seconds)
Analyzing HTML syntax ...
Syntax and style analysis
(clicking on the line # takes you to that line in the code)
    Congratulations! I found no problems.
Computing word counts ...
Word counts:
    Words: 281 Average word length: 4.3 Unique words: 169
Checking spelling ...
Spelling Check
(clicking on the line # takes you to that line in the code)
    No spelling problems
Source code
        1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
    "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
        2 <html
    xmlns="" dir="ltr">
        4 <!-- #BeginTemplate "master.dwt"
        6 <head>
        7 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
    content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        8 <!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle"
        9 <title>Home</title>
       10 <!-- #EndEditable -->
       11 <link href="styles/style2.css"
    rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
       12 <style type="text/css">
       13 .style1 {
       14 color: #3D6C87;
       15 }
       16 </style>
       17 </head>
       19 <body>
       21 <!-- Begin Container -->
       22 <div id="container">
       23 <!-- Begin Masthead -->
       24 <div id="masthead">
       25  <h1>Web
      Development II</h1>
       26  <h3>Ryan
       27 </div>
       28 <!-- End Masthead -->
       29 <!-- Begin Navigation -->
       30 <div id="navigation">
       31  <ul>
       32   <li><a
       33   <li
       34   <li><a
       35   <li><a
       36   <li><a
       37   <li><a
       38  </ul>
       43 </div>
       44 <!-- End Navigation -->
       45 <!-- Begin Content -->
       46 <div id="content">
       47  <!-- #BeginEditable
      "content" --><img src="images/six-weeks-...-.gif" alt=""
      height="387" width="500" />
       48  <h2>A little bit
      about me...</h2>
       49  <p>   
      &nbsp; My name is Ryan Romero.<br />
       50     I am as simple and yet
         complex as anyone else in this world. I am a sinner saved by grace
         through faith by the death and resurrection of my Lord and Savior,
         Jesus Christ, God's perfect man. This is who I am. My identity. For
         without Him, I am nothing and can do nothing (John 15:5) I have
         been redeemed, received, reconciled, and resurrected through Him.
         It is by Him and for Him that I live. This is most
         important…because it is this fact that has made me who I
         am.<br />
       51     &nbsp; The next thing
         anyone who knows anything about me knows is that I am madly in love
         with Brianne Long. She means the world to me! Although being a
         couple hundred miles apart is very hard, it is so exciting to learn
         and grow, and look forward to what God has planned for our future
         when we can be together. The times we can be together are so
         special, and the times  we are apart always find us counting down
         until next time!   </p>
       52  <h2>A little bit
      about this site...<br />
       53     </h2>
       54  <p>&nbsp;
      This site is an ongoing part of my Web Development II class.
      Html has always been something that has intrigued and, quite
      honestly, scared me! I have enjoyed learning the concepts and
      techinques that are involved with Web design. I am exited to
      continue to learn, and apply my knowledge, though still quite
      small, as time goes on!</p>
       55     <!-- #EndEditable "content"
       56 <!-- End Content -->
       57 <!-- Begin Footer -->
       58 <div id="footer">
       59  <p><a
      href="default.htm">Home</a> | <a
       60  Projects</a> |
       61  <a
       62  | <a
      Gallery</a> |
       63  <a
      Links</a> |
       64  <a
       65 </div>
       66 <!-- End Footer
       67 <!-- End Container -->
       69 </body>
       71 <!-- #EndTemplate -->
       73 </html>

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chapter 6: Focus on Web Design

Use a search engine to search for CSS page layout tutorials. Choose a tutorial that is easy to read. Select a section that discusses a CSS technique that was not covered in this chapter. 

 This really is an amazing css tutorial! I was only able to skim through it, but I was very impressed with how it was set up! It is very easy to read and follow along with. Both screenshots and copy-and-paste html text are given step by step. This blog is several years old, but the concepts and techniques fit perfectly with what we are learning! It is old, but in no way does the information seem old or outdated.
  I liked how this tutorial demonstrated the use of obvious background colors that the book just touched on ( p. 246-247 5th Edition Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML ). Seeing how clearly it represented the areas, and what was being worked with was very helpful. ( page 6 )
  I also really liked the page he put together. It was stylish, but not too complex to learn. Likewise, there is a lot of information in this tutorial, but not too much. I also enjoyed how this tutorial demonstrates the things we learned about in this chapter, but applies it to things they we did not get to ( such as images and buttons).
  I think that this tutorial is one of many great ways to get a hold of the power of page layout in CSS.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter 5: Web Site Case Study

Fish Creek Animal Hospital:
1. What type of site organization is used for the Fish Creek Website? Is it the most appropriate organization for the site? Why or why not?
2. Review the recommended Web page design practices from this chapter. Cite three design practices that have been well implemented. Cite three design practices that could be implemented in a better way. How else would you improve the Web site?
  1.) The Fish Creek site uses hierarchical organization. This is definitely the right choice for this website. It provides a fast and easy way to get around the site by way of the consistent navigation bar. Visitors can conveniently get to the specific page they want to visit.

2.) Well implemented:
-Ease of navigation / Navigation bars

  To be reconsidered:
-Use of color
The colors aren't too bad, but I'm not sure that it quite fits the theme/audience. The all blue background is a little much, especially on a very small site with not a lot of information.
-"Real estate"/ White space
This is a very small site, so it is understandable. However, I think that maybe a better design/arrangement could be applied.
This goes along with what I said above.

Also, I think that frames would be a good addition to a small site like this.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chapter 4: Focus on Web Design

Visit a Web site that interests you. Write a one page summary and reaction the the Web site you chose to visit. Address the following topics:
a. Purpose     b. Intended Audience    c. Does the Site reach its audience?     d. Helpful to you?     e. Colors used?     f. How did the use of colors enhance the site?

   The site I chose to write my summary on is While I was trying to come up with a site that interests me, I was having trouble coming up with ideas. The sites that were coming to mind didn’t seem to be the kind of interesting site that I expected to be typical for a summary like this. Then I realized the humor in my thought process. This is supposed to be something personal. And while I wasn’t thinking an online store was probably the typical choice, I think that’s all the more reason to pick one! There is a lot of thought process, and reasoning that goes into the design of these sites! Much of that is why we buy from them, instead of a similar seller.
   “ is one of the largest retailers of professional juggling supplies and circus arts equipment in the World.” They offer a wide variety of products that cover the range of skill and style. This it not just your 3 ball juggling either! This site includes anything and everything that is considered juggling from balls and clubs to footbags, poi, and yo-yos!
   The site’s intended audience is jugglers, young and old, beginner or performer! They have great products no matter your skill set or price range!
   I, as a juggler, have clearly been “reached.” They rightly make juggling look cool, hip, and fun! They have great selection, as well as great descriptions that can help you make the right choice based on your wants/needs!
   As I said above, this site has been very helpful to me! I have “bought” from them on multiple occasions! Also, if I need any more products, or simply information on a specific style of ball or beanbag, jugglingstore will be the first place I will go!
   They have a nice red, black, and white color scheme! Aside from this color combination being one of my favorites, I think it works really well for the site! Also, the wide variety of product colors really give a cool color pop to the site! All the colors work together to give it a bright, fun, cool, and non-clownly feel! They look sharp and interesting, but in no way distracting to the focus of the site: the objects awaiting the hands of a manipulator! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chapter 3 Web Research: CSS tutorials

  "There is still much for you to learn about CSS.... Use a search engine to search for CSS tutorials.
  Choose a tutorial that is easy to read. Select a section that discusses a CSS technique that was not covered in this chapter."

-CSS Structure and Rules
 This was a pretty detailed, but easy to read tutorial!
It covered several things that we haven't learned yet, such as contextual selectors,  inheritance rules, and pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.

*-Zen Garden: The Beauty of CSS Design*
 "A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design."
 Ok. This isn't actually a tutorial, but it was so interesting that I had to post it!
This is an amazing example of just how important CSS is, and the power of what it can do! 
Go check this site out! Not only will you be inspired, but you can view the css that is used, and learn from seeing how these professional designs are accomplished!

-Adding a touch of style
 "This is a short guide to styling your Web pages. It will show you how to use W3C's Cascading Style Sheets language (CSS) as well as alternatives using HTML itself."
 I like how this tutorial is set up! It features large, easy to read text and examples, color-coded code, and great visual examples of colors! It covered mostly the things that we learned, but has a little bit extra (such as some new design features) I also like how he covers not only the "how", but also the "why" aspect!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 2 Web Research: Html and Xhtml tutorials

There are many HTML and XHTML tutorials on the Web. Use your favorite search engine to discover them. Choose two that are helpful.

a. What is the URL of the Web Site?
b. Is the tutorial geared toward the beginner, level, intermediate level, or both levels?
c. would you recommend this site to others? Why or why not?
d. List one or two concepts you learned from this tutorial.

W3 Schools
b. Definitely both! They have a lot of good information from HTML, to XHTML, to CSS (and more)
This includes basic, as well as more advanced tutorials.
c. Yes. I really liked how much information they have, and the very visual and involved method they use to teach the material!
d. I didn't really look through one tutorial specifically, but just looked around. However, I think this is the first site I will go to if I have a question as we go along, or want more information on a certain subject.
b. Also both. This site has some detailed video training that would be helpful to both.
c. I would, but not on all conditions. They have a couple of free video lessons, but most of their videos require a payed membership. The site, and the training they offer seems great. However, it would depend on how serious someone is, whether I would recommend that they sign up, or go somewhere like W3 to get free lessons.
d. One of the free tutorials I watched discussed text editors vs. word processors and also syntax highlighting.